2. Menu Library -turn page- 3. Dialog Library

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Reference List Menu Library

Clear_Menu [Menu_Id]
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Delete menu.
Easy_Mesag R Entry
Entry Number of the chosen entry.
Query menu.
End_Menu [R Menu_Id]
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Conclude menu definition.
FN M_Checked([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "checked" (check mark): Returns -1, if the entry is "checked," otherwise 0.
FN M_Command([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "shortcut" (shortcut for menu item): Returns the ASCII code of the shortcut belonging to the menu item.
FN M_Crossed([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "crossed" (crossed out rectangular or square): Returns -1, if the entry is "crossed," otherwise 0.
FN M_Enabled([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "disabled" (grayed out - cannot be selected): Returns -1, if the entry is "enabled," (if entry can be selected), otherwise 0.
FN M_Mark([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "mark" (marking of the menu item): Returns the ASCII code of the marking of the menu item.
FN M_Style([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "style" (font of menu item): Returns the text style (significance is same as for TEXT STYLE).
FN M_Text$([Menu_Id,]Entry)
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Querying for "text" (text of the menu item): Returns text of the menu item as a string.
FN M_Which
Returns the menu identification number of the displayed menu.
Make_Menu Apple$,Copyright$,R Copyright [,Menuname$]
Apple$ Here, allways the apple logo is displayed. Therefore the parameter has no meaning but for the reason of compatibility with older EasyGem versions it allways has to be passed as well.
Copyright$ First entry in the apple menu.
Copyright Returned number of the copyright entry.
Menuename$ Has no meaning and can be omitted.
Initiates the definition of a menu.
M_Check [[Menu_Id,]Entry]
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Sets the attribute "checked" (preceding check mark).
M_Checked_Entry Txt$,R Entry
Txt$ Text des Menüeintrags.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Defines an entry analogously to M_Entry, with the difference that the entry is "checked" at once.
M_Command [[Menu_Id,]Entry,]Cmd
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Cmd ASCII-Code of the desired character.
Defines a "shortcut" for the menu entry.
M_Cross [[Menu_Id,]Entry]
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Sets the attribute "crossed" (crossed out rectangular or square).
M_Crossed_Entry Txt$,R Entry
Txt$ Text of the menu entry.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Defines an entry analogously to M_Entry, with the difference that the entry is "crossed" at once.
M_Disable [[Menu_Id,]Entry]
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Sets then attribute "disabled" (grayed out - cannot be selected).
M_Disabled_Entry Txt$[,R Entry]
Txt$ Text of the menu entry.
Entry Nummer des Menüeintrags.
Defines an entry analogously to M_Entry, with the difference that the entry is "disabled" at once.
M_Enable [Menu_Id,]Entry
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Clears the attribute "disabled" (grayed out - cannot be selected). The entry can be selected again.
M_Entry Txt$,R Entry
Txt$ Text of the menu entry.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Define a menu entry.
The actually displayed menu is made unselectable. Using M_Show the so inactivated menu can be reactivated again.
Defines a separator.
M_Mark [[Menu_Id,]Entry,]Mark
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Mark ASCII code of the desired character.
Defines a mark (character in front of the menu text).
M_Normal [Menu_Id,]Entry
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Clear all attributes.
M_Show [Menu_Id]
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Display menu.
M_Style [[Menu_Id,]Entry,]Style
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Style Text style of the menu text (significance is same as for TEXT STYLE).
Defines the text style of the menu text.
M_Text [Menu_Id,]Entry,Txt$
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Txt$ Text of the menu entry.
Defines the text of the menu entry.
M_Title Titel$
Titel$ Menu title.
Begin a new menu title.
M_Uncheck [Menu_Id,]Entry
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Clear the attribute "checked" (preceding check mark).
M_Uncross [Menu_Id,]Entry
Menu_Id Menu identification number.
Entry Number of the menu entry.
Clear the attribute "crossed" (crossed out rectangular or square).
M_Waitmesag R Entry
Entry Number of the chosen menu entry.
Wait until the user selects a menu entry.

2. Menu Library -turn page- 3. Dialog Library

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